Sunday, February 22, 2009

Piaget Video

Got some video of my Piaget this morning, despite it being on/off breezy. I really can't say enough about this plane. This is with the new aileron push rods put in (think it really helped, but have to get the longer horn in next). Also, not sure if it was the wind or not, but I'm pretty sure the Corona SC Rx was gliching on me, mostly when the radio was pointed right at the plane. That really sucks. I've had it with single conversion Rx's. At least with this radio on ch 30, it sure has problems for me.

I should probably try to buy a bipe foamie too, just to see how they perform, and I'm sure I'll like it. It ended up getting VERY windy again towards the end (even at the start there was a 5mph gusty on/off breeze, and it got up to about 20mph gusts just at the end), so only got a couple minutes of good flight time, and hovers really sucked. I flew 2 packs of 3S-2200mAh in my Typhoon 3D after the piaget. It was gusty, but it did great. Sure is different how fast that Typhoon flies after I've been flying the Piaget so much. Thanks for my beautiful wife for being my camera man. ;) There is more of my new motor on the typhoon 3D after the first video, too.

Here is direct link to all 3 videos.

piaget1.wmv (180MB)

piaget2.wmv (66MB)

typhoon.wmv (47MB)


  1. If I haven't mentioned how much I love this plane, yet...grin. I LOVE THIS PLANE. I'm sure it isn't much different from the Electrifly/Great Planes Yak 54, but I simply LOVE flying this slow up close plane. Bringing it in and the authoritative ruder turns into a hover are just fantastic. It really needs some carbon fiber support on the sides, just behind the wing. The tail wants to whip around and crack the horizontal flat section even on a very soft "crash". I need to get some more kicker, because medium CA just doesn't seem to want to set very well on the "cracks" and splits that develop.

  2. don't underestimate the power of hot glue!


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